Dawn Reader

Dawn Reader
from Open Door Coffee Co.; Hudson, OH; Oct. 26, 2016

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Red and the Black

It’s been Computer Hell the past few days. The word-processing program I use (Word) had started behaving badly. I could no longer, for example, copy and paste from Word into some other app (or vice-versa). What happened if I tried it: Word froze, and I had to restart.

And then … I could no longer execute a “save-as.” What happened if I tried it: Word froze, and I had to restart.

As I wrote the other day, on Monday, I spent some morning hours on the phone with the folks at my anti-virus dealer’s. They “cleaned” everything, and all for “only” … a bunch of money. And Word, chastened, behaved (moderately so) for a few hours.

But then—like that Class Clown who just can not keep his/her face shut—Word misbehaved again, freezing again during the very sorts of operations I mentioned above.

I took it well. Like an adult. A mature adult. (With anger-management issues.)

(Viz.: swearing. Black Oaths. But very creatives ones.)

Fortunately, about a half-mile from our house here in Hudson is Pat’s Computer Rescue, so over to Pat’s I scurried, BP maxing out. Left the traitorous laptop there. Got a call a bit later. Viruses. They’ll clean and re-install Word. $$$$.

Not a lot of $$$ but enough to make a dent. Enough to make me veer near the Red in our May budget. Fortunately, as you readers of calendars know, May has reached its terminus, so the Red (which, of course, is a color we associate with Hell) has already faded to pink and will soon return to something vaguely resembling Black.

Which is the color of the (mature, creative) oaths I was bellowing yesterday in my study. They still darken the room.

**PS--I wrote this on my iPad ... 

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