Dawn Reader

Dawn Reader
from Open Door Coffee Co.; Hudson, OH; Oct. 26, 2016

Monday, July 29, 2019

Edgar A. Poe: For Sale!

Some years ago when I got the news that my cancer had no cure--just some delaying tactics--I knew that my writing/publishing life would have to change. I no longer had the time to deal with publishers and agents (I'd had both--and both could be very slow). If I wanted to write and then publish the things I'd written, I'd have to move to another process. And so it was that I began publishing directly to Kindle via Amazon.

I knew that Kindle had an option whereby I could convert my e-books into paperbacks, but I just never pursued it. To be honest, I didn't really care. I just wanted these things "out there." I've made a little royalty money--not enough to make Andrew Carnegie bristle with envy but enough that I get a wee deposit every month from Amazon. (Some months are more wee than others!)

Then I saw a paperback published by a friend on Amazon, and I was impressed with its quality. So I thought, maybe, I'd give it a whirl.

I tried doing it myself on Amazon's site--but found myself too ... dim ... to do so. Engaging the services of a company specializing in such things (booknook.biz), I began the process of converting  my recent YA bio of Edgar Poe. They were very professional, very helpful, and, a couple of months later, here we are: Just this morning I got the news that Edgar A. Poe is now available on Amazon both as a Kindle book and as a paperback. (Link to the book on Amazon.)

(The house on the cover, by the way, is the Edgar Allan Poe Cottage in Fordham, NY--the last place he lived.; I took the pic in 2003.)

I know that some of you have read the Kindle version, but now I hope others of you give it a whirl in this format.

Will I do others now? Well, if I recover in sales the $$ I spent doing the conversion, yes, I will convert another one--and then another, perhaps. The conversion cost was not all that much, but I need, you know, to at least break even.

Remember, too, that the audience is YA.

Oh, the cost is $9.50. Cheap thrills!

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