Dawn Reader

Dawn Reader
from Open Door Coffee Co.; Hudson, OH; Oct. 26, 2016

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I think I've blocked more calls on my cellphone than the great Bill Russell blocked shots for the Boston Celtics.*

But unlike Russell's blocks, mine have done no good. They keep coming, several a day (sometimes more); I keep swatting them away like nettlesome flies--and here they come again, swarming.

Same thing on our land line at home. I'm on the do-not-call list. Does no freaking good. About, oh, 4:45 p.m. each day they commence, ending about 5:30 (are people somehow more susceptible at suppertime?).

There was an editorial in the Times today that suggested things will soon get better--for a while. The robo-dudes will figure out a workaround. Of course. And I'll be blocking (ineffectually) again. (Link to Times piece.)

Here's the thing that puzzles me: The robo-calling must somehow work. I mean, would companies (and swindlers) be using them if they didn't?

My mom--a very bright, circumspect, skeptical woman (she had a Ph.D.)--later in her life fell for one of those Nigerian-prince scams and lost about $10K before my younger brother realized what was going on and put a stop to it. Mom was absolutely convinced she was going to get a million bucks--and soon. This is the same Mom who never once fell for any pathetic schemes that Adolescent I ever proposed.

When I found out about this, I revised my position on capital punishment. Oh, we should definitely execute people who swindle the elderly, the vulnerable.** A mass execution as part of the Super Bowl halftime festivities?

I was actually in my mom's apartment when the "Nigerian-prince" dude called her (after my brother had stopped her ... contributions). I yelled at him. Warned him never to call her number again. Asked him if his mother was proud of him. (I used a few, uh, more colorful expressions, too) Slammed the phone down.

A half hour later he called back.

Which shows how ominous I am.

There are many annoyances in our wireless/wired world, aren't there? Maddening Facebook posts; tiresome Tweets; bogus "news." Texts from people who clearly aren't the person they are claiming to be. Etc.

But robo-calls are driving me to the precipice--and over it. I guess "invasion of privacy" just isn't a thing anymore, eh?

*For those of you who are chronologically challenged, here's a piece about BR and his shot-blocking prowess. Link.
**Not really.

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