Dawn Reader

Dawn Reader
from Open Door Coffee Co.; Hudson, OH; Oct. 26, 2016

Friday, March 23, 2018

My Mom--Finding Things

As I've been preparing for Mom's memorial service on April 7 (Pittsfield, Mass.)--going through photos, letters, etc.--I came across this envelope yesterday as I was cleaning my desktop, a task I do, oh, every decade or so.

No doubt whose handwriting it is. Mom always printed--even her signature. And she never ceased calling me "Danny"--except, of course, when Daniel Osborn Dyer! would burst from her frustrated lips. (Can you imagine being frustrated with me?)

Anyway, I had no memory whatsoever about the contents of this envelope--or why it bears no stamp or anything. A gift for a birthday or Christmas?

I opened it to read this little message:

Father's Day 2009. Mom would turn 90 that fall.

I don't know if you can read the message, so here it is:

Father's Day--2009--Danny

Remember your father's diminishing pile of these?



And included was one of the $2 bills that Dad had been collecting in his later years. It's still there, unspent, though I'm not copying it here because some U. S. Treasury agent will probably knock on my door a half-hour later--with a warrant.

So that little envelope has been at the bottom of one of my desk-piles since June 2009. And now I have found it ... and now I have wept ...

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