Saturday, August 8, 2020

Some Things I Don't Understand


  • As I was reading this morning, I heard tiny footsteps on the roof above me. This part of the roof has two skylights, and I soon saw the source: a squirrel. Awww ... Except: He was up there far too long, moving back and forth ... has he/she found a way into our attic? I'll have to check later.
  • Why do those who operate the farm market here on our village green allow people to have leashed dogs with them? Not everyone likes dogs; some fear them (I don't--I generally like them). But you couldn't bring your Great Dane with you inside the grocery store?
    • I just typed "Great Dan" before I realized what I'd done.
    • Why did I go ahead and add an -e?
  • Why is it invariably young people who are not wearing masks around here?
  • What can I do about the feral cat that stalks birds in our backyard? People in the neighborhood are feeding it, so I can't adopt it (not that I would in my Frailer Days).
  • Why did our lawn crew skip us this week? Our back yard now looks like the Nebraska prairie.
  • Why am I still buying books? I mean--I could check them out of the library, buy them on Kindle, etc. Or steal them. But I don't ...
  • Why have social media become anti-social media? I joined Facebook to keep in touch with friends and former students--to see their families, hear their stories, envy their food. Now, I must scroll (rapidly!) through hateful posts, some of which, I confess, condemn (viciously) the likes of me (i.e., a Democrat). In recent years, it seems, I've become a Nazi, a libtard, a socialist, a hater of cops, a supporter of street violence--none true.
    • So I don't get into it on social media. What's the point? Minds are made up. I remember my father, a Republican, sticking by Nixon, even as his helicopter whirled away from the White House for the final time.
  • I wish I could just take a pill that would control my incessant dizziness Why isn't there one? There are a lot of pills that cause it; you would think, by now, some chemical/pharmaceutical genius would have come up with something to counteract the problem.
  • I'm terrified for teachers and students this rapidly approaching school year. Were I still teaching, I don't know what I'd do ... take a leave? Quit? I can hardly manage to walk to the coffee shop and back while wearing a mask (puff, puff) ... how will kids and teachers be able to cope? And I have trouble communicating the simplest requests at the shop, the simplest friendly conversation. How could I carry on a discussion about Hamlet? (Why, it would be as confusing as some of the play!)
  • I've not hugged our grandsons--or our son and his wife--since early March.
  • Why are there so many "people" out there whose sole goal in life appears to be to con others out of things? (I put "people" in quotation marks because I'm not sure they are human.) On the phone, on the Internet--they're everywhere. I'm beginning to revise my (libtard) feelings about capital punishment!
  • Why can't we just settle-the-hell down and try to work with one another to make this country a better place for everyone? A safer, more secure, more hopeful place? Why is there so much my-way-or-the-highway in our political differences? Why must we demonize folks?
  • Why ...? Nah, I'm getting depressed. Let's end this before I get more depressed than my own writing of this has just cause me to be!

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