Monday, February 1, 2016


Okay, so I forgot to do a post earlier today. Monday. One of the three days I do an excerpt from my work-in-progress, a memoir about my 10-year chase after Mary Shelley, Frankenstein Sundae.

I have all sorts of excuses, some of which are noneofyourbeeswax so I won't "share," as the current cant would have it. But I did have an appointment early this a.m.; the wind did blow some of the plastics out of our recycle bin and scatter them down Church Street; our dishwasher did lose one of its washer blades because it hit something that was too big to fit under the blade; I was tired after our grandsons' visit yesterday afternoon; I did ... that's enough.

And then, of course, I had to go to the coffee shop, had to read the Times, had to catch up on email and Facebook, had to walk home, had to update stuff on Quicken, had to work on a text of a speech I'm doing in April, had to have lunch, had to get a haircut, had to read the Plain Dealer online, had to get some more coffee, had to--

--remember that I'd not done a post for DawnReader.


So here I sit, now somewhat numb,
Just realizing I've been dumb.

It seems to be the same old story:
Old Danny Dyer, so dilatory.

Or maybe I just know that I'm
Approaching good old Dotage Time?

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