Dawn Reader

Dawn Reader
from Open Door Coffee Co.; Hudson, OH; Oct. 26, 2016

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Mr. Bug and Friends

Yes, I've been AWOL from DawnReader for a bit. Here's what happened.

On Wednesday afternoon--while I was riding the exercise bike at the health club--Mr. Bug flew in my ear and made this announcement:

MR. BUG: I'm here. And I've brought some of my friends. You know them well: Congestion, Weariness, Sore Throat, Fever. Oh, and just for good measure, I've brought Imbalance, a new friend who will compound your little problems now with vertigo.

ME: Why?

MR. BUG: Oh, I don't know. It's just who we are--it's what we do.

ME: Nice.

MR. BUG: Thank you.

ME: I didn't mean it is a compliment.

MR. BUG: Compliment accepted. [Pause.] So ... here's the deal: You're not going to feel well for a week or so. You're going to cough, sniffle, swallow with difficulty. And--most of all--you're not going to be able to stay awake. You're not going to go anywhere; you're not going to want to go anywhere. You are going to wonder if you'll ever feel well again. Basically, we are taking over your Starship.


I must say that all Mr. Bug's predictions came true. On Wednesday evening--in the early stages (the maybe-this-is-just-a-minor-thing stages)--I went to a birthday dinner with my family at Dontino's, an Italian restaurant in North Akron--a place Joyce has loved since girlhood.  I felt pretty well, especially after a plate of pasta (homemade noodles) and after being frisky with my grandsons and their parents.

But later--at home--Mr. Bug asserted his dominance--and his veracity. I've felt pretty lousy since then, and one day (was it Sunday? all days blend ...) I did little but sleep. In the 24 hours I was awake for maybe two or three hours. (I did manage to have one dream weird enough that I'm working on some doggerel about it.)

Yesterday, I was feeling a bit better. I returned to the coffee shop. Made bread. And last night Joyce and I took a little drive. Then I had a lousy night--coughing, Sniffling. Cursing. (I heard Mr. Bug chortling somewhere.)

This morning I'm enduring some aches and pains, but feeling a little better once again. I will take it easy. And hope to be able to return to the exercise bike tomorrow ... assuming Mr. Bug has no further plans for me.

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